Sign up for the Intention Academy Coaching Program and this LOW introductory Price

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Looking for an affordable way to stay in the High-Vibe Tribe with

like-minded women who want to manifest more with the science

of intention?

If you're a woman in business and tired of

burn out and scarcity and worrying way too

much of the time, here's your "soul-"ution

Intention Academy is the Most Life-

Changing Program there is!

This is an interactive program for women who want to manifest more of what they love

  • Understand the Power of Your Mind: This program will help you understand the power of your thoughts and emotions, and how they directly influence your reality. You'll learn how to harness this power to attract what you want in life.
  • Practical Techniques: You'll learn practical techniques and exercises to apply the Law of Attraction in your daily life. This includes Medicreation training, affirmations, and gratitude practices.
  • Personal Development: This program will aid in your personal development journey. It will help you become more self-aware, positive, and proactive in creating the life you desire.
  • Manifest Your Desires: You'll learn how to clearly define your desires and use the Law of Attraction to manifest them. Whether it's wealth, health, relationships, or career success, this class will guide you on how to attract it.
  • Ongoing Support and Community: When you join this program, you're not just getting a course. You're joining a supportive community of like-minded ladies who are also on their Law of Attraction journey. You'll have the opportunity to learn from others, share your experiences, and grow together.


--An ongoing container that is safe and confidential and geared to support your wildest dreams

--A group program that provides commUNITY, one monthly intention call and one group coaching

--A membership website with 8 BEEFY modules that will help you reinvent yourself from the inside out

--Remote energy healing through Radionics both for you individually as well as the group

--Deep discount (50%+) for one-on-one sessions with Tamara (normally $345!) while offer lasts!

--Cancel ANYTIME with a single click. No questions, no worries

Monthly Investment $99 introductory offer! (this price will double in the near future, but remain for those who take advantage of it now).

No one else is teaching this in real estate, but it is THE catalyst for thousands of my students

Take my client Melinda who was having inconsistent sales, but after learning my methods has been enjoying 4-6 closes a month or any of my other clients who have doubled or even tripled their sales while while actually doing less and loving life more!

If You're Ready to Make More Money and the Idea of Manifesting

Multiple Transactions each month sounds good...

Let's Talk!

Because I’ve been doing this for a long time, and I’ve helped thousands of women who were in your exact same position identify and fix the THING that was holding them back from achieving all they could possibly desire.

“Who Are You, Why Should I Trust You, And Why Should I Listen To You?

Hi There!

My name is Tamara Dorris and I'm PASSIONATE about your RESULTS! I’m a best-selling real estate author, and I use neuroscience, psychology, and quantum physics to help women just like yourself achieve their goals and live their best possible life. After 30 years in real estate, I know what works and that most agents are NOT doing it.

The agents I work with all have one thing in common, they’re extremely talented and FULL of potential but working way too hard for what they make and not making what they're capable of.

BUT! There always tends to be something holding them back, something that they most often don’t even think about, and I KNOW how to fix that. I will teach you and coach you into raising your energy and attracting the kind of life you’ve always dreamt about.

I’m very proud when I say that the women I’ve worked with all succeeded in creating more wealth, launch new careers, make tax bills “go away,” and attract new, ideal clients in droves. And this doesn’t just apply to business; our clients have lost weight, renewed relationships, and found a stream of motivation and inspiration they never even knew they had.

I’ve Collected Some Of The Feedback I Get From My Clients

I went through Tamara‘s eight week coaching program. It was the best decision I have ever made. Those eight weeks have changed my life forever. I have a very clear direction on what I need to do to continue a successful real estate career. I recommend anybody looking for a coach to reach out to Tamara. I could honestly go on and on about how incredible this coaching program has been."

Pam Beall

"Don't miss this opportunity! This is the best transformational personal development course I've ever taken! You will learn and grow so much through this 8 week program, you will discover a whole new highest version of yourself. I can't recommend this course enough!"

Renee Romano

"Tamara is one of the most knowledgeable people I’ve ever met in regards to the field of how our minds actually create our reality, either holding us back from our desires or attracting exactly the things we want. She is great at explaining the science behind the concepts, and is also very intuitive and can help you break through your blocks. I highly recommend listening to what she shares and personally working with her if you can."

Tanya Kortum Shively,

Interior Designer

Let’s Talk About The THING!

Here’s why manifestation hasn’t worked well for you, here’s what’s holding you back from achieving your dream life, here’s what’s preventing you from being fulfilled and happy.

Your Unconscious Programming Is In EXACT OPPOSITION To Your Desires (if you watched my free webinar, we already covered this).

I know, it’s a head scratcher, and it doesn’t sound very accessible, but here’s the best way I’d put it… How often have you heard that in order to achieve something, you need to work extremely hard, you constantly have to be on “the grind”?

There’s no time to sleep, there’s no time for fun, and in order to succeed, all you need to think about is WORK, WORK, WORK. Without a doubt in my mind, YOU have heard these words, and perhaps you even believe them to some extent. I’m here to tell you that all of this is wrong, and even if you don’t FULLY believe them yourself, your unconscious is constantly thinking and wondering about these concepts.

And This Is Just ONE Example.

You can’t fully access the power of MANIFESTATION and INTENTION when you have contradictory thoughts and doubts in your mind, or even subconsciously. So, what can you do? How do you overwrite years of subconscious programing that you weren’t even aware of? How do you get rid of the negative ideas media and life have embedded in your mind?

Don’t Worry! That’s Exactly What I’m Here For, And Through Scientific Concepts Such As

Neuroscience, Quantum Physics, And Subconscious Studies, As Well As Some Spiritual Teachings, WE


YOU Can Learn How To DESIGN Your Dream Life And Then CREATE IT! All You Need To Do Is Click The

Button Below To Book A Consultation With Me, And Guess What?