Magnetic Marketing Course Details
In this month-to-month program that you can cancel at any time you’ll enjoy:
-Online Library full of a variety of topics from mindset to marketing to money to Medicreations and hypnotherapy sessions, loads of videos all to help you be your best self and the content grows as we do.
--Weekly Group Coaching Calls where we address strategies and overcome obstacles. Tamara reviews content, does hot seat coaching, and answers questions
--Monday Manifestation This is a live stream where Tamara fills your cup to start your week. These mini-sessions will help you get into high gear for the week ahead!
--Thursday or Friday Tap it out this end-of-the week live stream is another member’s only treat where we’ll take your biggest current challenge or a self-limiting belief and tap it out using various EFT techniques as well as other energy modalities.
--Energy Work Tamara is a master practitioner who owns the latest state of art equipment (radionic devices and frequency generators) that has been scientifically proven to affect your biofield. It’s awesome to know someone is working on YOU all the time! All current, active members are added to her devices as receiving frequencies for abundance and other positive outcomes.
--Private Facebook Group & Chat for daily questions, post reviews, group support and commUNITY. We are just a click away when you have questions, need feedback, or want to share a win that is just too juicy to hold in. Stay involved and check in often!
--Networking Opportunities meet other women in real estate or sales for all your referrals and so they can give you theirs! We keep our geography fairly exclusive for you.
--Private Coaching Session Discounts While you'll absolutely love the insight and growth from the group calls, sometimes we have more personal matters, or just otherwise might benefit from some one-on-one time and attention--active members receive a 50% off single sessions with Tamara.
Intention Academy Course
I’m Tamara Dorris.
My name is Tamara Dorris and I'm PASSIONATE about your success! Both of my landmark programs are specifically designed to take and keep you at the top of your intention-attraction game, whether for your business or your personal life. Your outcomes will be all the evidence you need to see that my methods work. Try me :-)